
 邮箱网  1条评论  6837次浏览  2012年12月22日 星期六 09:51

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The Best and Worst Times to Send an Email

Despite the marketing and PR world's love affair with social media, email remains a key component of any media relations or marketing campaign. Plus, it's the primary way agencies and clients stay in touch.


Whether we like it or not, email isn't going anywhere, at least not in the near future.


For those professionals whose livelihood depends on email open rates and click-through numbers, an infographic with data from email software provider GetResponse will be of great use.


GetResponse analyzed more than 21 million emails sent by its clients during the first quarter of 2012. Among the findings:

GetResponse的分析,它的客户在2012年第一季度超过21亿封电子邮件发送。其中发现:   23.63 percent of all emails are opened within the first hour; that number drops off precipitously as the hours tick by;Most emails are sent from 6 a.m. to noon; the least amount occur from midnight to 6 a.m.;The hours that see the most click-thrus are 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., and 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.;The hours that see the most opens are 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., and 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.  23.63%的电子邮件是在第一个小时内打开的,当这个时间过去数据集急剧下降,大多数电子邮件发送从早上6点至中午十二时,最少的数值出现在午夜到早上6点的时间,看到的最多的点击是上午8点到上午09时以及下午3时至晚上八时,看到最多的打开时间是上午8点到上午9时,下午3时和下午4时。

"The best time to send emails is when customers are reviewing their inboxes," the infographic says. "For maximum open and click rates choose morning and early afternoon."

“发送电子邮件的最佳时间是当客户正在审查他们的收件箱”的信息图表说。 “最大的打开和点击率,选择早晨和下午。 ”

Here's the full infographic for more stats:


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回复 酷邮差  2012年12月22日 星期六 13:05

